with wind hitting on my face .........metallica jarring in my ears here i am on the road again here i am upon the stage ...turn the page....every day i took this ride on my not so overwhelming 180 cc ....from parvorim to brittos ,,,and hell i luved it....
the 20 minute ride through green pastures that define green ....churches that defy time and religion....was not just a ride but a new journey ...a new journey every day...it was me and the one within me....a series of questions ,,,,a number of confessions,,,,,couple of answers ....and a single reality.
reality bytes ....but hell it sustains itself....its the sole truth....we are born alone ...well most of us...and die alone ...all of us....and surprisingly we live alone most of our life's,,,,,at least i do...or i am forced to....
but i think the only time i have been glad to be alone is during these bike rides....no one to talk...no one to pasture....no one to crib,,,,no one to care for....no one to judge.....no one to betray ,,,,...its the good old me,,,,,my ride.....who only asks for a lill over 50 bucks for 3 km....and my music....
probably the only reasons ill go back to goa alone would be these journeys....the self reflective....self abusing.,,,,self destructive....self confiding....self confessing....bike rides which go down my memory lanes as iconic journeys....