Saturday, May 05, 2012


for once my life seems sorted unlike all the earlier times and its time to change the morose , copied yet intense title of my blog (unforgiven)to something more original may be less intense ..i am thinking what it could be while i write. Also i have moved in to a new phase of life which is quite a contrary to ancient Hindu stages of life.The ancient four stages are Brahmachari (student), Grihasta (Householder) Vanaprasta (forest dweller or Hermit in semi retirement) Sannyasi (the renounced one in full retirement). I am currently a grihasta and a brahmachari which means i would have been hanged in the old times. However today being a married student is super exciting. It’s challenging but quite exciting. So i intend to write more about our (me & prinku) life together at Insead and beyond. Honestly I also want to help those who are or are going to go through this stage of life.