Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I suddenly realized how fake is this world we are living in, this world of facebook and twitter of myspace and Google. You suddenly mistake mere acquaintances to be your friends, you follow, tag, byte, like, comment on almost strangers.

I suddenly realized despite having 485 freaking friends/acquaintances on facebook there’s not one I want to/can just call and go out for a sutta drive and a masala chai … just scares the shit out of me…my grandfather had more people lining up to meet him for godsake…but then again he was a good man and was not available for random chat on facebook…..dam u zucerberg u took the spirit out of my single-malt 29 years.


Winters are here and woho with a bang for sure , this is one reason I love this city so much, for sure this is the best place to be in when the temperature goes dipping. Its time for masala chai and lot of sweet nothings , its time for sunlight and finding ur sunshine , its time for afternoon snooty brunches with mojhitos and kababs , for nice long runs without getting sweaty , for bonfires and barbeques which give u such a high , for all the reds with the reds , for the deep thoughts and the twisted perspectives for wanting to be a writer and a traveler again , for just getting lost , for a lot of luv and lub…wait did I say luv …ohh what a slip…