Sunday, May 10, 2009

time to start again

Buddha says when you are stuck , and you cant find the answers you should go back to the beginning the start point , the tree from which it all started.

I think its that time in life , time for a change , time to go back to the roots and may be take a new direction . direction though can be notional and of thoughts rather than something visible to the outside world..

The change i seek is more internal than external , its more of a change in my thought than my action , its more for what i am than for what i do...

I need this to strengthen my core my mindset , cause i think i am entering a rather important phase of my life and i don't want to loose most people do...i don't want to loose the real me...its too precious...

I still want to strum random songs and click random faces without being frowned at..i still wanna be out there and experience small little pleasures of life....

1 comment:

Tarun Kanojia said...

Vacations too . . . how perfectly named that is . . . a vacation, an emptying out . . . that's what "DHYANA" is, an emptying out of all the static clutter and junk of one's life and just settling into an undefined sort of tranquillity. That's what Lila's involved in now, a huge vacation, an emptying out of the junk of her life. She's clinging to some new pattern because she thinks it holds back the old pattern. But what she has to do is take a vacation from all patterns, old and new, and just settle into a kind of emptiness for a while. And if she does, the culture has a moral obligation not to bother her. The most moral activity of all is the creation of space for life to move onward.

From the book Lila by Robert M Pirsig also the writer of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainence