Friday, November 23, 2012


I met you last September fell in love and we were married by March. After a series of catastrophic events when I had almost lost all hope of finding someone sane and shut my front door, you jumped in through the window. I still can’t forget that first glance I had of you waiting for me in the corner store, you looked stunningly beautiful. That lunch and what followed after that was straight out of a Bollywood movie, it was stuff that dreams are made off.

It’s been a year and I still can’t believe my stars and I have to admit I secretly thank god to show me the reality and also my ex-girlfriends for not being great to me. I so realised what I dint want in life and what I did. The only word to describe you is AWSOME. Since we got married in March it’s been a roller-coaster ride for you more than me. You moved from Mumbai to Delhi, shut your business in Mumbai, and started something in Delhi which you again left so as to accompany me on my INSEAD journey. You struggled hard to find a job which fitted your style and calibre it was crazy but in the end you did find it and I am glad you did. To do so much for someone you had just known for a few months is just insane and I don’t know of many who could do so much.

I know you miss home and your people and long to go back but you never say it and never complain. I also know that you sometimes kill your desire to go crazy and buy the world but you never stop smiling. Well I have to admit that without you My INSEAD story wouldn’t be half as exciting; in fact I don’t see me going through this without you. It’s difficult because I don’t get to see you throughout the day given our crazy timings but I long all day for that one hug which takes away all my stress , I forget all about CFP , accounting and whatever I am grappling with. One look at you and I am ready to take on the world again and win it for you. Hold on Me Munica the Journey has just begin…..ill get the world for you and soon...

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